Cliff Fendlerbush

Fendlera rupicola

FEND-ler-uh roo-pee-koh-luh
4 to 6 ft.
2 to 3 ft.

very low



4 to 6 ft.

2 to 3 ft.


southwestern United States


USDA zones 4-9

hardy to 8,000 ft.

Cliff fendlerbush is a interesting native shrub that naturally grows in rocky soils on slopes and canyons of the pinyon-juniper forest.

Its best quality is its pretty, rose-like white flowers that appear in late spring. The branches grow in an upright, irregular manner. This habit makes it a good option for narrow sites where a tall plant is desired.

Cliff fendlerbush seems to be oblivious to erratic weather changes, drought, and low water conditions.

very low



4 to 6 ft.

2 to 3 ft.


southwestern United States


USDA zones 4-9

hardy to 8,000 ft.

There are about five cliff fendlerbushes planted at the Xeriscape Garden. They have taken around four growing seasons to establish. During this period, they didn't look very impressive. But once they became established, the plants became more robust and began to flower. They have been worth the wait. The white flowers are very pretty when in bloom. 

It's a good idea to surround it with plants with attractive leaves since its growth habit is narrow and irregular.

Prune for desired shape when young.