Potentilla neumanniana 'Nana'
low, moderate
early summer
2 to 4 in.
10 to 15 in.
USDA zones 3-8
hardy to 8,000 ft.
Creeping cinquefoil is a low-growing groundcover. It has dark green leaves with runners that root at each node, making it an aggressive spreader.
In summer, it produces yellow flowers with five petals.
Creeping cinquefoil is planted in the rock garden at the Cottonwood Creek Demonstration Garden. Its leaves are dark green and the flowers are very attractive. However, it has aggresively spread throughout the area, covering many of the other plants. It can be difficult to remove, regrowing from the root system.
Little to no maintenance is required to maintain the plant. May need to remove runners if it spreads where it is not wanted.