Golden garlic

Allium moly

AL-ee-um MO-lee
12 to 15 in.
6 to 12 in.

low to moderate


early summer

12 to 15 in.

6 to 12 in.


southern Europe, northern Africa

sun to part shade

USDA zones 3-7

not specified

Golden garlic is a small plant that grows clusters of yellow, star-shaped flowers in early summer. Since it's rather short, it works best in rock gardens or planted toward the front of a flower bed.

Plant as a bulb in fall. It is one of the few bulbs that will not be eaten by deer, voles, or rabbits.

low to moderate


early summer

12 to 15 in.

6 to 12 in.


southern Europe, northern Africa

sun to part shade

USDA zones 3-7

not specified

Golden garlic has been a reliable bloomer at the Xeriscape Garden. It is planted amongst other perennial flowers under a shade tree where it gets dappled sun. It's a small plant and only noticeable when it's in bloom.

Cut back to ground level after the seedhead and stalk turn brown in mid summer.