Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'
late summer
18 to 24 in.
18 to 24 in.
species native to eastern North America
USDA zones 3-9
hardy to 8,000 ft.
Goldsturm black-eyed Susan is a perennial plant grown for its bright yellow daisy-like flowers. Blooming in August and September, the flowers have a distinctive dark brown central cone surrounded by yellow rays. Through spring and early summer before it blooms, it grows as a nice clump of dark green leaves.
This is an easy-to-grow plant if it receives regular moisture. It's a great way to add vibrant, late summer color to a landscape.
Goldsturm black-eyed Susan is very eye-catching when in bloom at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. The flowers are beautiful and robust. This plant, however, needs regular moisture. It will wilt readily if allowed to dry out. It spreads readily by seed. Remove the spent flowers after bloom if spreading is not desired.
Once the flowers have faded, the flower stalks can be cut back to the leaves or left on the plant to provide seeds for birds in fall. Cut all remaining growth to ground level in late winter.