Orange Stonecrop

Sedum kamtschaticum var. ellacombeanum

SEE-dum kam-SHAY-ti-kum
4 to 6 in.
1 to 2 ft.



July through August

4 to 6 in.

1 to 2 ft.


eastern Asia


USDA zones 3-8

hardy to 8,000 ft.

Orange stonecrop is a beautiful, low water groundcover. It grows as a tidy mound with glossy, bright green leaves. The leaves have pretty, scalloped edges.

In late summer, it produces clusters of star-shaped yellow flowers. It is a great choice for hot, sunny, dry areas.



July through August

4 to 6 in.

1 to 2 ft.


eastern Asia


USDA zones 3-8

hardy to 8,000 ft.

Orange stonecrop is an excellent plant at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. Its tidy shape, bright green leaves and low water needs make it a superb groundcover choice. It is ideal for rock gardens or edging the front of garden beds.

It will flop if it gets too much water or shade, so it's best suited to a drier, sunny location.


Cut off the spent flower stalks after blooms have finished, if desired. Cut back the old stems to ground level in late winter before new growth starts.