Pawnee Buttes Sand Cherry

Prunus besseyi 'P011S'

PROO-nus BES-see-eye
15 to 18 in.
4 to 6 ft.

low, very low


April to May

15 to 18 in.

4 to 6 ft.


northwestern North America

sun, part shade

USDA zones 3-6

hardy to 9,000 ft.

Pawnee Buttes is a low-growing, spreading form of the native sand cherry shrub. It has lustrous green leaves on graceful, trailing stems. This shrub can make a nice groundcover, but loses its leaves in the fall. 

Small clusters of fragrant white flowers bloom in early spring. They turn to black fruit by midsummer, which are attractive to wildlife. The leaves turn red to purple in the fall.

low, very low


April to May

15 to 18 in.

4 to 6 ft.


northwestern North America

sun, part shade

USDA zones 3-6

hardy to 9,000 ft.

This is a good groundcover shrub choice for landscapes in our area with sunny exposure and low water. The attractive white flowers are unusual for a groundcover. At the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, Pawnee Buttes sand cherry tolerates dry years well, but grows rapidly in summers with regular rainfall.

Prune out dead or damaged stems as needed.