early summer
3 to 4 in.
12 to 18 in.
genus native to Europe, western Asia, northern Africa
USDA zones 4-8
hardy to 8,500 ft.
Soft landing thyme is a short, vigorous groundcover. Growing as a mat of soft green leaves, it becomes adorned with pink flowers in late spring.
It is taller than some of the other cultivars of creeping thyme. Its height make it better used as a groundcover rather than planting between flagstone steps-- where it might cause a tripping hazard.
Soft landing thyme has been one of the more successful creeping thymes at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. It is one of the cultivars that makes up the thyme lawn. It is a little taller and less susceptible to winterkill than other creeping thymes.
Winter watering will help prevent dieback in areas with no persistent snow cover. Shear off spent flower stalks after flowering.