Sunny Border Blue Speedwell

Veronica x 'Sunny Border Blue'

18 to 24 in.
12 to 18 in.



summer to frost

18 to 24 in.

12 to 18 in.


known only in cultivation


USDA zones 4-9

hardy to 8,000 ft.

Sunny border blue speedwell is a perennial flower that grows as a tidy clump of dark green, coarse, wrinkled leaves. In early summer, the deep-blue flowers are densely arranged on upright terminal spikes. It will rebloom if the stalks of spent flowers are cut off.



summer to frost

18 to 24 in.

12 to 18 in.


known only in cultivation


USDA zones 4-9

hardy to 8,000 ft.

Sunny border blue veronica has been a great perennial flower at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. Although not quite as showy as blue salvia, it is a very dependable plant that seems to hardly be affected by Colorado's erratic weather. It has attractive blue flowers and a nice, upright shape.

Cut back the stalks of spent flowers to a set of healthy leaves to encourage rebloom. Cut old stems and leaves to ground level in late winter.