Coreopsis grandiflora 'Sunray'
late June through August
12 to 18 in.
12 to 18 in.
species is native to southern and southeastern United States
USDA zones 5-9
hardy to 6,500 ft.
Sunray coreopsis is mounding perennial flower with narrow, dark green leaves. Bright yellow, 2-inch, double flowers are produced on slender stems above the compact, tidy mound of leaves.
Sunray coreopsis is different from other coreopsis in that the plants are shorter and more compact, and the flowers are double. It is a reliable, long-blooming plant for the Colorado Springs area.
Sunray coreopsis has been a good perennial flower at the Xeriscape Garden. It is a reliable bloomer and winter hardy.
After an individual flower has finished blooming, cut the flower stalk back to a set of leaves. This practice will prolong the blooming period and improve the plant's appearance. Cut plant to ground level in late winter or early spring.