Turkish Veronica

Veronica liwanensis

veh-RON-ih-ka lee-wan-EN-sis
1 to 2 in.
15 to 18 in.

moderate, low

cobalt blue

late spring

1 to 2 in.

15 to 18 in.


Turkey, Caucasus, Ukraine


USDA zones 3-10

hardy to 10,000 ft.

Turkish veronica is a hardy, low-growing groundcover. The one to two-inch high carpet of tiny, glossy green leaves is covered with small, cobalt blue flowers in late spring.

This creeping veronica is less vigorous than other cultivars, making it a nice choice when you want a plant that won't spread too much. The leaves are evergreen, taking on a purplish tinge in winter.

moderate, low

cobalt blue

late spring

1 to 2 in.

15 to 18 in.


Turkey, Caucasus, Ukraine


USDA zones 3-10

hardy to 10,000 ft.

Turkish veronica has been a resilient groundcover at the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden. It has been a beautiful plant in rock gardens as well as planted in boulder walls.

The glossy green leaves make it more attractive than the dull green leaves of many of the creeping thymes. Furthermore, it doesn't seem to suffer from winter dieback like many creeping thymes. We highly recommend it.

None generally needed. Rake off debris after winter, if needed.