Wild Bergamot

Native Lavender Bee Balm

Monarda fistulosa

mo-NAR-da fist-yoo-LOW-suh
2 to 3 ft.
18 to 24 in.



June through mid-July

2 to 3 ft.

18 to 24 in.


North America


USDA zones 4-8

hardy to 9,000 ft.

Wild bergamot is a native perennial flower. In mid-summer, the clump-forming, upright plant produces clusters of curved lavender flowers. Fragrant, tubular-shaped flowers grow above the surrounding bracts. The flowers attract bees and butterflies.

Wild bergamot is less colorful and showy than other cultivars of bee balm, but is more tolerant of dry conditions. In fall, its leaf color can be gold, red and yellow.



June through mid-July

2 to 3 ft.

18 to 24 in.


North America


USDA zones 4-8

hardy to 9,000 ft.

At the Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, these plants have been grown in the moderate water zone. The flowers are very pretty and pollinators frequently visit this plant. Powdery mildew can be a problem if there is not enough air circulation.

It is essential to place these plants in an area with good air circulation. Those in tighter spaces will always be affected by powdery mildew. Cut old stems and leaves to ground level in late winter.